Scientific research by the Pietro d'Abano Thermal Studies Center, founded in 1981, has verified and confirmed the anti-inflammatory properties of the combination of Euganean thermal water and our mud.
The anti-inflammatory power lies in particular substances produced by microorganisms present in the clay component of the mud, which is comparable to that of common drug therapies based on NSAIDs.
Unlike common drug treatments, however, the use of 100% natural products completely excludes the risk of side effects affecting the gastrointestinal system. So why risk it ?!
The thermal waters existing in the world can be classified on the basis of temperature or their chemical formulation: our thermal water, thanks to its average 83 ° C, is at the top of the category of the hottest, the hyperthermal, and is classified among the salts -bromo-iodine as regards the composition. This makes it suitable for the treatment of joint, rheumatic, respiratory and dermatological ailments.
The scientific validation of the effectiveness of a cycle of thermal treatments (12 treatments) at the therapeutic, preventive and rehabilitative level is such and recognized that, since 2001, with a DPCM, the cycles of hydrothermal treatments have been included among the Essential Levels of Assistance (LEA), as well as already having an agreement with the National Health Service.
The National Health Service, in fact, gives all Italian citizens the right to a cycle of thermal treatments per year, according to the needs of each one. A medical prescription from your GP is sufficient.
Spa treatments
MUD THERAPY consists of four successive phases.
1) After the mandatory visit with our Health Director for suitability and admission to treatment, one of our professional spa operators applies the mud on the areas of the body of interest, at a temperature of 38-40 °, for about 15-20 minutes. The heat of the mud activates a vasodilation process that is beneficial for the joints and a detoxifying one for the skin, favoring the elimination of uric acid.
2) After a thermal shower to remove mud, we continue with a bath in a tub of pure thermal water, at about 38 ° C, with hydromassage and ozone therapy. The bath lasts about 15 minutes and generates circulatory and muscular benefits. The beneficial properties of our thermal water also activate an analgesic action, favoring specific biochemical stimuli that complete the full recovery of the body's well-being.
3) At the end of the thermal bath, go up to the room, so that the sweat reaction is completed: in the 40-60 minutes following the treatments, the tissues release the accumulated heat and the body temperature is lowered by a few degrees, returning to a normal level.
4) The last phase of the daily treatment coincides with the massage: one of our specialized massage therapists will subject you to a treatment to enhance the benefits of the mud therapy session. The therapeutic massage is relaxing and invigorating, improves blood circulation in the skin, tissue elasticity and promotes the elimination of body waste, restoring mobility to the limbs. Furthermore, the massage triggers a relaxing process, with positive effects also on the internal organs.
In order for the treatments to be effective, at least 6-8 sessions must be carried out, daily and consecutive.
A curative mud therapy cycle has 12 applications, while 6 applications are sufficient for preventive mud therapy.

Not just mud...Inhalation therapies
Our thermal center is equipped with modern equipment to carry out inhalation therapies of aerosols and inhalations: the inhalation and aerosol of our thermal water is effective in the prevention of cooling disorders and is indicated in the decongestion of the "upper" airways and in the treatment of ailments, including chronic ones, such as bronchitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis etc ...
Inhalation therapies are suitable for any age group and have no particular contraindications.
One of our Thermal Assistance Operators, according to the directives of the Health Director responsible for the care department, will follow you in the treatments at any time.
The natural products of the Euganean Spas
The Euganean Spas of Abano and Montegrotto are the largest spa in Europe, specializing in preventive and curative treatments that use certified and patented hyperthermal waters and muds, unique on the international scene.
The spa vocation of the area is very ancient and dates back to the first millennium BC, when the ancient Venetians, who lived in the marshes between the warm lakes of the Euganean territory, considered the waters sacred because of their beneficial powers on human health.
The “patavinae” waters are also mentioned in several subsequent Latin writings and refer precisely to the periods of idleness that the Roman aristocratic class spent in our territory, for the care of body and mind. As proof of this, it is possible to observe its traces in the archaeological sites of the Roman excavations in Montegrotto and of Montirone in Abano.
The Euganean Thermal Basin is fed by millenary rainwater from the Small Dolomites. In the descent to the underground strata, the rains are enriched with mineral salts, heat up and flow into the Euganean subsoil, conserving the accumulated geothermal energy. Hence the origin of our hyperthermal waters which reach the surface at temperatures above 80 ° C. Unlike other national spas, in fact, where the reverse procedure is applied, in the Euganean area it is necessary to cool the water before it is used.
The scientific researches of the Pietro d'Abano Thermal Studies Center have reported excellent results regarding the beneficial properties of Euganean thermal products and, for this reason, Euganean mud has obtained a European patent for anti-inflammatory efficacy that makes it a unique case at an international level.
A further attestation of the quality and effectiveness of the Mature Mud is its D.O.C.certification, which ensures compliance with the procedures necessary for the maturation of the product: the clayey part of the mud is extracted directly from the thermal lakes of Lispida and Arquà Petrarca and is made to "mature" to 50-60 days in the "mud baths", special parking tanks where the thermal water is continuously flowing at a temperature of about 40 ° C. This operation, combined with sunlight, allows the colonization of bacteria and microalgae that give the beneficial active ingredients to the Mature Mud.
We are proud to be able to affirm that our Euganean Thermal Mud has no equal in terms of quality certifications and certificates!
Date chiusura Albergo San Lorenzo
09-12-2023 to 09-03-2024
01-07-2024 to 27-07-2024
09-12-2024 to 15-03-2025
31-10-2024 to 03-11-2024